Why doggie Daycare You Ask?
Doggie Daycare benefits both the dog and the owner. The benefit for the owner is that while you are doing human stuff your furry companion is living the dream. No more guilt when you are walking toward the door and your buddy goes from excitement to disappointment. Doggie Daycare lets the dog play, socialize, and have a fun day instead of counting the minutes on all of their toes waiting for you to get home. After a long day of playing, your dog will be calm, relaxed and ready for a nap.
Here's why Stay and Play...
Dogs get to enjoy a safe, healthy, and fun atmosphere with lots of interaction with dogs and people. Dogs can participate in play groups, gnaw on a favorite toy, play fetch, hang out with humans, or lounge. [We plan each day to insure that we deliver the utmost in group socialization, which not only delivers a fun environment for your pet, but also provides benefit to each dog in our care.] Point being, they are not home alone.
So many Benefits...
Social skills will increase and dogs will learn how to play and interact with other dogs in a safe, fun, and meaningful way. Boredom behaviors caused by lack of activity, and inadequate mental and physical stimulation are virtually eliminated. Additionally at the end of the day you will have a pup that is happy, relaxed and tired from playing all day. Now you can come home from work and enjoy your dinner, book or TV time without your buddy begging you for attention.
Why THEY benefit...
Dogs are social animals and need interaction with other dogs and people on a regular basis to remain happy and healthy. My dog told me so. No matter how many hugs and kisses you give them, you can't escape the sadness in their eyes when you leave. Dogs don't understand our human way of life and the many things that get in the way of us spending the day together. Those that are forced to stay at home alone all day will become bored, frustrated, and unhappy. Some may even be destructive, or way too vocal. They may suffer from separation anxiety when left alone.
At STAY and PLAY they will hang out in a healthy happy dog pack. This will provide them with a social outlet they need and give you the peace of mind knowing they are getting to exercise and socialize in a safe, secure and monitored environment. Remember, a tired dog is a happy dog!